Scalp Micropigmentation can restore receding hairlines, bald spots and replicate the look of a closely-shaven scalp. It is the ultimate hair loss solution for both men and women. This treatment is suitable for all kinds of hair loss, for all ages, skin types and ethnicities. No matter what stage or condition your hair is in, Scalp Ink is dedicated to helping you achieve your desired look and restoring your confidence.
This treatment requires multiple sessions with at least one week between each one. This process allows for a gradual buildup of density and ensures pigment retention. During this procedure, micro-fine needles are used to deposit pigment in clusters to replicate the natural look of a hair follicle. Clients will see immediate results in line with their goals and expectations.
Lori Lee is highly experienced and specially trained in the art of SMP. If you have questions, concerns, or would like to book your free consultation to see if you are a candidate for Scalp Micropigmentation, click the link below to connect with her today.